Kibbutz Yotvata is located on the Arabah road in the southern Negev desert. Yotvata maintains its cooperative community, where most adult residents work on the kibbutz in production, services or education. The revenues are equally distributed among the members regardless of their position, along the idea of each one gives as much as he can and gets as much as he needs.

Visit Kibbutz Yotvata

Yotvata Dairy is a milk products factory which provides the kibbutz with its main source of income. Agriculture ranks second in terms of income but perhaps first in importance to the community character and pride. There is also a big road stop shop on the Arava Road providing refreshments for travelers.

Other small branches are a picturesque horse stable that lies in the date plantation east to the kibbutz and few artistic studios.

Yotvata Hai-Bar Nature Reserve is dedicated to reintroducing extinct species mentioned in the Bible, as well as other endangered desert animals, to the wild. It has three parts: a park for herbivorous animals; the Predators Center that displays reptiles, small desert animals and large predators; and the Desert Night Life Exhibition Hall to observe nocturnal animals during their active hours.

Photos: Kibbutz Yotvata



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