Kibbutz Hatzerim was founded in 1946 just west of the city of Beer Sheva. The kibbutz, which still operates as a traditional cooperative kibbutz, is one of the most successful kibbutzim in the country. 

Visit Kibbutz Hatzerim

In Kibbutz Hatzerim, drip irrigation was invented (Netafim, one of Israel’s most successful agricultural companies), changing the face of the earth. Later, Kibbutz Hatzerim established the world’s leading jojoba factory, changing the face of the people.

And what an irony it is that the dripper, irrigates through tiny holes in the tubes, fertilizing plants, and jojoba oil, through tiny pores, “fertilizes” facial skin (along with its other virtues, of course).

Kibbutz Hatzerim also has one of the most popular pubs in the area called  the “Masgeria Pub”, where locals thirsty for good time are “irrigated” with alcohol. The place holds about 700 people!

And just the thought that in 1946 a group of young people came to a bare hill in the desert. There was nothing there. In the first year there was also no regular water supply. And… the salinity of the soil hardly allowed agriculture. In 1959 they almost moved to another place. But, at the members’ meeting it was decided to stay and the rest is history.

Kibbutz Hatzerim is still cooperative and invests a lot of resources in tourism.

Photos: Kibbutz Hatzerim



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